PodMed – Week of August 15, 2016


Indian man on cell phone in rural Pushkar Camel Fair

This week’s topics include the impact of exercise on chronic medical conditions, more ICU care and outcomes, m-health and diabetes, and insurance status and cancer outcomes.

0:36 Diabetes and m-health
1:38 Text messaging improved eating behaviors
2:38 Long term impact?
3:32 Exercise and health conditions
4:32 Quantified with METs
5:34 Less benefit at higher levels
6:30 Two studies looking at cancer, insurance status and outcomes
7:31 Mortality 60-80% higher
8:33 Doesn’t drill down
8:49 ICU use and outcomes
9:50 Not better in ICU
10:50 End

Related blog:https://podblog.blogs.hopkinsmedicine.org/2016/08/13/texting-and-health/