
The vast majority of kids in the US go to school, and CDC director Mandy Cohen, at a recent Johns Hopkins talk, says these are very important places to start to set up people for a healthy lifestyle throughout their …

Where do we need to start to improve health across the lifespan? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


When your child’s pediatrician wants to know the latest on kids’ diseases and conditions, chances are good they’ll consult the Harriett Lane Handbook, published by the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center and updated by pediatrics residents. Nichole Shilkofski, the book’s editor, …

Want to know what your pediatrician is thinking? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


The Harriett Lane Handbook has just published its 23rd edition, and chances are good that your child’s pediatrician uses it, since it is updated every three years by pediatrics residents at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. Nicole Shilkofski, the book’s editor, …

Where does your pediatrician turn for to stay current? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Identifying depression in young people is important, and now that a federal task force has recommended screening all youth 12 to 18 years of age, it should also be identified more readily. Yet Karen Swartz, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins, …

Follow up will be key when it comes to managing anxiety and depression in young people, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Young people should be screened for anxiety and depression, a federal task force has recommended, and that means primary care physicians will have yet one more task to add to their list when it comes to providing the best care. …

Who will be screening young people for anxiety and depression? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


If a young person is thought to have depression following a positive screening test, as is now recommended by a federal task force, one danger may be that they begin treatment without more carefully and thoroughly confirming the condition. That’s …

A positive screening test for anxiety and depression in a young person needs confirmation, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


 The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended screening US youth for anxiety and depression. Karen Swartz, an expert in these illnesses in young people, says screening isn’t just a matter of asking a few questions. Swartz: What I …

Will young people be adequately screened for depression and anxiety? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »