PodMed – Week of May 8, 2017


Clogged artery low angled view shown with a cut out section displaying fat deposits and a formed clot. High quality rendering with original hand painted textures and global illumination with great detail.

This week’s topics include lowering cholesterol and outcomes, a new agent for ulcerative colitis, handgun purchases after mass shooting events, and bystander CPR and long term outcomes.

Program notes:
0:31 Handgun purchases after mass shootings
1:31 Tripled over time period
2:31 Constraints on gun research
2:45 Bystander CPR and use of defibrillators
3:45 More likely to be alive one year later
4:32 PCSK-9 and cardiovascular outcomes
5:32 27,000 patients
6:33 Lower we get it the better
7:21 New agent for ulcerative colitis
8:21 Twice as effective at inducing remission
9:21 Will become part of the standard therapy
10:09 End
Related blog: https://podblog.blogs.hopkinsmedicine.org/2017/05/05/pcsk-9-and-cardiovascular-outcomes/