
Genetic testing of breast tumors helps determine best therapy, with a 21 gene assay commonly used for this purpose. Now a new study shows its predictive value for Black women may be less than that for Caucasians. William Nelson, director …

A very popular genetic test for breast cancer may not perform well for Black women, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Anchor lead: Supplements known as antioxidants may be harmful for women being treated for breast cancer, Elizabeth Tracey reports If you’re being treated for breast cancer, taking supplements that fall into a category known as ‘antioxidants’ may not be a …

Breast Cancer Treatment and Antioxidants Read more »


Anchor lead: A genetic assay can help many with early breast cancer avoid chemotherapy, Elizabeth Tracey reports A widely available 21-gene assay can help women with so-called intermediate risk breast cancer avoid chemotherapy and simply stick to endocrine therapy, a …

July 11, 2018 – Breast Ca and Genes Read more »


Anchor lead: Can the heart risk of some breast cancer treatments be avoided? Elizabeth Tracey reports Radiation to the left side of the chest and some chemotherapy drugs used to treat breast cancer can result in increased risk for heart …

February 27, 2018 – Avoiding Heart Risk Read more »