
This week’s topics include the impact of exercise on chronic medical conditions, more ICU care and outcomes, m-health and diabetes, and insurance status and cancer outcomes. 0:36 Diabetes and m-health 1:38 Text messaging improved eating behaviors 2:38 Long term impact? …

PodMed – Week of August 15, 2016 Read more »


This week’s topics include the cost of physical inactivity, the mortality impact of sedentary behavior, behavioral activation for depression, and skin inspections for skin cancer. Program notes: 0:32 Mortality and physical inactivity 1:33 If you sit for 8 hours increased …

PodMed – Week of August 1, 2016 Read more »


This week’s topics include open versus microsurgical laminectomy, PT versus surgery for lumbar issues, sudden cardiac death and exercise, benefits of leisure time, moderate or vigorous exercise on mortality, and height and coronary artery disease. Program notes: 0:35 Height and …

PodMed – Week of April 13, 2015 Read more »