
Low vision is common, especially as we age. Judith Goldstein, a low vision expert at Johns Hopkins, says that in addition to seeking comprehensive care for the condition, loved ones really need to be involved also. Goldstein: This is where …

Family and loved ones are needed to help someone with low vision manage, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Some one in six people over the age of 45 have a condition called low vision, where they have trouble reading, driving, or telling colors apart. And that number rises to one in four in those over the age of …

Low vision is much more common than you might think, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Low vision, which affects one in four adults over 75, is often associated with damage to the macula, the part of the eye where our vision usually works best. Judith Goldstein, a low vision expert at Johns Hopkins, says there …

Can anything be done about low vision? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »