
Covid-19 has revolutionized many things, including how antibodies to fight the infection are developed. Stuart Ray, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins, explains. Ray: There’s some really exciting technologies here. An antibody has two major features, it’s shaped like …

Monoclonal antibodies are being developed in new ways to treat Covid-19, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


With new Covid variants turning up frequently, do monoclonal antibodies, which are very specific, still have a role in treatment? Infectious disease expert Stuart Ray at Johns Hopkins says new ones are continuously being developed. Ray: Monoclonal antibody treatments are …

What is the role of monoclonal antibodies in treating Covid infection today, with so many Omicron variants circulating? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Can you trust Covid-19 tests you take at home, whether they are positive or negative? Infectious disease expert Stuart Ray at Johns Hopkins says it’s important to remember that all tests have limitations. Ray: The humbling thing about our diagnostics …

What are the limitations of Covid-19 tests? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Paxlovid is an oral medication given to people at high risk for complications from Covid-19 infection, but now that it’s in more widespread use some are reporting a return of symptoms after they’ve finished their course of the medication. Stuart …

What explains why some people on the Covid drug Paxlovid seem to see their infection return? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Men who used the diabetes medicine metformin during the three months prior to conception of their son saw malformations of the genital and urinary tracts three and a half times more often in these children, a very large study from …

Can a common diabetes medicine used by fathers impact their offspring? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


In the year following a Covid-19 infection, some 40% of adults in one study developed new onset type 2 diabetes. Rita Kalyani, a diabetes expert at Johns Hopkins, says certain populations were much more at risk for this outcome. Kalyani: …

Who is at risk to develop diabetes after Covid infection? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


People who’ve had Covid-19 have a 40% higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes in the year after their infection, a new study finds. Johns Hopkins diabetes expert Rita Kalyani says there may be a couple of reasons for this. …

Why is there an association between Covid-19 infection and new onset diabetes? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »