
Examining the contents of small membrane bound sacs known as vesicles in maternal blood may help predict the development of postpartum depression after pregnancy, a Johns Hopkins study led by Sarven Sabunciyan has found. And since the condition develops in …

Can postpartum depression be predicted? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Extracellular vesicles, or small balloon like structures, are released from both maternal and fetal cells during pregnancy, where they serve a communication function between mom and baby. Sarven Sabunciyan and colleagues at Johns Hopkins have also found they’re associated with …

Variations in levels of messenger RNA may help predict postpartum depression, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


During pregnancy cells from the mom’s side of the placenta communicate with those of the baby, and from baby to mom, using tiny structures known as vesicles. Now a Johns Hopkins team, including researcher Sarven Sabunciyan, has found that measurable …

Disruptions in cellular mother-baby communication during pregnancy may result in a host of ills, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


There’s a lot of communication going on between mom and baby during pregnancy, and some of that is cellular. Sarven Sabunciyan and colleagues at Johns Hopkins have been looking at one specific form of communication that’s disrupted in postpartum depression. …

Can a process of cellular communication between mom and baby during pregnancy underlie postpartum depression? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Rates of mental health problems have reached epidemic levels during the Covid-19 pandemic. Now a new study shows that for some, use of an app rather than in person therapy provided nearly the same improvement. Eric Strain, a psychiatrist at …

Can an app help people with mental health issues? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Deaths due to substance use disorder are skyrocketing. Eric Strain, a substance use disorder expert at Johns Hopkins, says although it is tempting to think everyone with substance use disorder should be hospitalized, other forms of care may be more …

When is it appropriate for someone with substance use disorder to be hospitalized? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Managing the full breadth of health issues in someone with substance use disorder could help reduce the likelihood of a bad outcome, especially in the 40% of people who have both mental health issues and substance abuse. Eric Strain, a …

Getting more primary care providers involved may help integrate mental and physical health with substance use disorder treatment, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »