
In 2023, more than 50,000 Americans died by suicide, continuing a grim trend upward that has been underway for years. Mandy Cohen, CDC director, said at a recent Johns Hopkins talk that the agency is analyzing all the data and …

Can we figure out how to reduce deaths due to suicide? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Schools, communities, medical systems, all are working to intervene when it comes to the epidemic rate of drug overdose death we are experiencing nationally. At a recent talk at Johns Hopkins, CDC director Mandy Cohen says including the many resources …

When strategizing on how to prevent drug overdoses, look to the CDC first, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Drug overdose deaths are at an all time high, with social ills, availability of lethal substances and barriers to care all involved. Mandy Cohen, director of the CDC, said in a recent talk at Johns Hopkins that the federal agency …

How is the CDC helping to stem the tide of drug overdose death? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Neighborhood Nursing is the name of a new program aiming to improve the health of individuals and communities in Baltimore by embedding a nurse and a community health worker near at hand for residents. Sarah Szanton, dean of the Johns …

What impact can a nurse and a community health worker have on the health of neighborhoods? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


When it comes to health, prevention of infection and disease is by far the best strategy. CDC director Mandy Cohen says the agency is taking prevention on by strongly supporting young families at a recent talk at Johns Hopkins. Cohen: …

Can helping families throughout the lifespan prevent chronic disease? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Since Covid, rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide have risen, along with substance use disorders. Helping Americans deal with these issues is a top priority for the CDC, according to Mandy Cohen, CDC director, in a recent talk at Johns …

A big emphasis of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the moment is mental health, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Sharing and integrating data is one of the top priorities of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, says director Mandy Cohen at a recent Johns Hopkins talk. Cohen: Infectious disease or non infectious disease we need the …

Increasing coordination should allow the CDC to protect the nation’s health better, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »