Could microbes in your gut be causing more widespread problems? Elizabeth Tracey reports


Did you know you have more cells living in your gut than you have cells that make up your body? This population is called your gut microbiome, and Johns Hopkins dietician Ashley Greenwald says its health underlies your health.

Greenwald: Bacteria and yeast in the stomach are really involved in immune competence and regulation of inflammation. When these are off it’s called dysbiosis. Dysbiosis of the gut has been linked to obesity in diabetes, certain autoimmune diseases, asthma and allergies, inflammatory bowel disease. Your gut microbiome could even be influenced starting as young as delivery as an infant, whether you were vaginal or C-section, exposure to antibiotics, your hygiene, certain infections and stress.  :30

Greenwald says it’s known that diet has a profound influence on the gut microbiome, so if you’re experiencing any chronic disease with an inflammation component it may be worth exploring how you can modify it. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.