How can we improve clinical trial participation for people with cancer? Elizabeth Tracey reports


If you have recently been diagnosed with cancer, your best bet for treatment may include enrolling in a clinical trial, where new treatments are being assessed, usually by comparing them with standard treatment. Yet a new study finds that under 2% of people with cancer who received Medicare benefits enrolled. William Nelson, director of the Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, thinks location may be important.

Nelson: if you’re located reasonably far from a site where clinical trials are available that’s a significant barrier. I think one of the solutions may ultimately be to push out some of the accessibility of clinical trials via a model that we can deploy all kinds of things to your home when you buy them. Experimental drugs will have to be overseen carefully but can we do that from a center and have them deployed nearer the home, along with collaborative physicians and small cancer centers.  :30

Nelson says it’s worth looking for a trial that may help you and that may already be available in your locality. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.