Is yoga a good exercise?


Stretching, flowing, finding your breath and getting centered … yoga is relaxing, but is it really good exercise?

Johns Hopkins exercise physiologist Kerry Stewart says that yoga addresses both strength and flexibility, helping you avoid joint pain and cramping. Over time, you’ll also improve your balance. These benefits can support the rest of your exercise program, helping you pursue your aerobic and strength training with less risk of injury.

And yoga offers a special bonus — stress relief — that benefits all-over health.

Johns Hopkins cardiologist Hugh Calkins says that in one study, doing slow-paced yoga sessions twice a week helped ease inflammation, a known culprit for heart disease.

So the next time you’re in tree pose, take a deep, cleansing breath and think of all the good you’re doing for your serenity AND your physical health. For more details, check out The Yoga-Heart Connection.