It’s just becoming clear that social media can be addictive and harmful, Elizabeth 


Tracey reports

Depression and social media use are linked, a recent study by Johns Hopkins child and adolescent psychiatrist Carol Vidal found. This adds to burgeoning research finding dangers of addictive social media use, and may result in formal classification as such, Vidal says.

Vidal: Social media or like digital technology addictions it's one of those they're not formally included yet in the classifications like that the gambling which is a behavioral addiction is already included, in gaming disorder. So they're starting to be considered more than they used to before clinicians and people realize that it can be a problem as well. :21

Vidal says there’s a couple things she would do today to reduce the potential for harm.

Vidal: First of all the delay that time of use for young people. I definitely would have schools teach about the appropriate use.   :07

Vidal says parents need to remain vigilant and involved as well, working alongside educators to head off problematic social media use. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.