
Cell death in your body happens all the time, every day, and when it does DNA is released into your blood. It may be your genetic DNA or it may be from your mitochondria, and it is giving clues to …

Why does increased cell death in the body increase inflammation? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Walking speed is a commonly used measure for health, as it’s easy to do and doesn’t cost much. Now a study by Peter Abadir, a Johns Hopkins geriatrics expert, links walking speed to cell death, as measured by release of …

Is walking speed linked to cell death? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


DNA fragments found in your blood, so called circulating cell free DNA, come from your cells as they die. Both genetic material and DNA from your energy plants, known as mitochondria, can be found, and both are implicated in increased …

How does circulating DNA contribute to accelerated aging? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Circulating cell free DNA fragments are found in your bloodstream when cells die and release what’s inside. Some of that DNA is your genetic material and some comes from mitochondria, the power plants of your cells. Johns Hopkins geriatrics expert …

Are circulating DNA and inflammation related? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


You may have heard the term ‘liquid biopsy.’ Most often referring to cancer detection, such technology aims to find materials circulating in the blood that give clues to a tumor’s presence. Now such a strategy is being used to look …

Can a blood test for DNA predict Alzheimer’s disease and frailty? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Some cancer tests and prenatal assessments already use DNA found circulating in someone’s blood to look for certain cancers or assure the health of a fetus. Now Peter Abadir, a geriatrics expert at Johns Hopkins, and colleagues are using such …

A blood test looking for your DNA is proving increasingly useful, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


You have quite a lot of the genetic material DNA circulating in your bloodstream. Peter Abadir, a geriatrics expert at Johns Hopkins, is looking at DNA from two different sources to provide information on aging. Abadir: The genomic DNA is …

Your own genetic material from two cellular locations can be found in your blood, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »