
In the second episode of the Model for Improvement series, the Center for Nursing Inquiry’s Nursing Inquiry Program Coordinator Nadine Rosenblum picks up her conversation with Holley Farley, DNP, RN. Nadine and Holley, the Nursing Coordinator for Clinical Quality at …

Episode 59: Model for Improvement Compared to Other QI Models – Choosing the Best Model (Part 2) Read more »


In this edition of the Center for Nursing Inquiry Podcast, Nadine Rosenblum, Nursing Inquiry Program Coordinator, is joined by Holley Farley, DNP, RN the Nursing Coordinator for Clinical Quality at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, to share a discussion on the …

Episode 58: The Model for Improvement – Definition and Application (Part 1) Read more »


The shoulder joint is known as a ball and socket, where the ball is part of the arm bone called the humerus, while the socket is part of a bone known as the scapula. Edward McFarland, head of shoulder surgery …

The shoulder joint’s unique structure allows for a full range of motion, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Tendons connect muscles to bones. When an injury to the Achilles tendon in the lower leg occurs, it’s most often a tear between muscle and tendon, but in the shoulder it’s the separation between tendon and bone. That’s according to …

Much of shoulder pain is the result of tendon injuries, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Pain in the shoulder will be experienced by almost every adult at some point, especially as they age. Shoulder pain factors right up there with back and neck pain in terms of how common it is. Edward McFarland, head of …

If you’re experiencing pain in your shoulder your tendons may be the culprit, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »