PodMed – Week of April 13, 2015


This week’s topics include open versus microsurgical laminectomy, PT versus surgery for lumbar issues, sudden cardiac death and exercise, benefits of leisure time, moderate or vigorous exercise on mortality, and height and coronary artery disease.

Program notes:

0:35 Height and coronary artery disease
1:35 There is an association between statue and heart disease
2:18 Sudden cardiac death and exercise
3:18 5% occurred during sports activity
4:18 What is level of concern?
5:20 Exercise of different types and mortality
6:25 Is a dose-response relationship
7:26 Moderate or vigorous?
8:01 Two studies on back interventions
9:02 PT prevented 50% of unnecessary surgery
10:40 End

Related blog: http://podblog.blogs.hopkinsmedicine.org/2015/04/10/your-heart-and-your-height/