
In this podcast, Nadine Rosenblum and Nurse Scientist Heather Watson meet to talk about the Institutional Review Board. They discuss the types of projects that need IRB approval. They also discuss what role a Principal Investigator plays, as well as …

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In this next podcast, Elizabeth Scala and Maddie Whalen discuss templates that are used for publication to identify what sections are needed for the project that you would like to get published. Maddie Whalen discuss the use of the SQUIRE …

Ep30 Templates | Center for Nursing Inquiry Read more »


In this next podcast, Elizabeth Scala and Holley Farley discuss how to put together a podium presentation. Holley offers tips related to how to verbally present information, the use of large font size, use graphics, and engage the audience. Holley …

Ep29 Podium Presentation | Center for Nursing Inquiry Read more »


In this next podcast, Elizabeth Scala and Maddie Whalen discuss a topic that’s specific to Evidence-Based Practice projects which is the difference between a background question and a foreground question. Maddie discusses a project that she helped staff with and …

Ep28 Background vs Foreground | Center for Nursing Inquiry Read more »


In this next podcast, Elizabeth Scala and Holley Farley discuss disseminating project work. They discuss the types of audience that you can disseminate information to and how disseminating your project’s findings can inform JHH policies and protocols before they are …

Ep27-Getting Your Project Out There | Center for Nursing Inquiry Read more »


In this next podcast, Elizabeth Scala and Holley Farley discuss high-level tips on how to put together a poster and why. Some tips include: utilizing graphs and images, requesting a template from the organizer, getting feedback from peers, and attending …

EP26- Johns Hopkins Center for Nursing Inquiry | Poster Presentation Read more »


In this next podcast, Maddie Whalen and Elizabeth Scala discuss the terminology that is used when speaking about inquiry work, reviewing literature or speaking with fellow project team members. They discuss the effectiveness and efficacy of information and give examples …

EP25- Johns Hopkins Center for Nursing Inquiry | Terminology Troubles Read more »