Will everyone soon be taking a medicine first developed to manage type 2 diabetes? Elizabeth Tracey reports


Yet another study has come out recommending the class of medicines called GLP-1 agonists for type 2 diabetes. These medicines are already in the news to treat obesity, both in those with diabetes and those without, and more conditions that might benefit from them are under study. Rita Kalyani, a diabetes expert at Johns Hopkins, says the wealth of indications is striking.

Kalyani: We do know that they have significant effects on weight loss, we've seen that in multiple people with and without diabetes. We are finding that this class of medications may also have significant benefits on those who are at risk for diabetes or other metabolic conditions. We also saw interim results in people with kidney disease and found that there were benefits. That's being studied for liver disease all sorts of currently off label conditions.                       :32

Kalyani says a complete picture of where these medicines might help will require more research. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.