Apps and related devices seem likely to become more common in healthcare as their benefits are proven, Elizabeth Tracey reports


A blood pressure monitor, a smart watch, and a smartphone app called Corrie have helped many people avoid another hospitalization after a heart attack, a study by Seth Martin, a cardiologist at Johns Hopkins, and colleagues has shown. Martin says he hopes use of Corrie will continue to grow.

Martin: We can’t force people to use it, ultimately it’s up to the patient but our hope is to inspire as many people as possible to use it. To see the benefits that they could get from engaging with their care with a digital health platform being a medium that really helps organize that and make it a good, positive experience. And so that’s where we’re headed, to really make this part of routine care. And we want to reach everybody, we don’t want this to be for just certain segments of the population that happen to have certain technologies or more comfort for technologies.  :32

Martin predicts that apps like Corrie will soon help people manage much of their health. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.