
A greater sense of control, feeling in partnership with their care team, and not finding reporting symptoms burdensome are just a few of the outcomes reported by people with advanced cancer in a study of an electronic intervention where they …

How does reporting symptoms impact cancer care for patients? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Imagine you have advanced cancer and your doctor asks you to report your symptoms electronically, so that intervention is possible before things like pain or breathing difficulties become especially troublesome. Kimmel Cancer Center director William Nelson at Johns Hopkins describes …

Is it helpful for people with advanced cancer to report their symptoms regularly? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Helping people with advanced cancer is facilitated by having them fill out symptom questionnaires for their medical team, who can then intervene promptly, a new study demonstrates. William Nelson, director of the Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, applauds the …

Patients with advanced cancer can help in their own care, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


A precancerous condition of the bone marrow called myelofibrosis is usually treated with bone marrow transplantation. Now a new study shows that looking at the mutations that people with the condition have in their own bone marrow and then assessing …

What can a precancerous condition teach us about clearing mutations? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Prostate specific membrane antigen or PSMA PET scanning is very accurate at detecting and visualizing prostate cancer throughout the body. Now a study using this type of scan on men whose disease recurred shows its efficacy in this case also. …

When prostate cancer returns a nuclear medicine scan can help, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


For many people with cancer drugs called immune checkpoint inhibitors have proven to be lifesavers. Yet as with all drugs they come with side effects, and if you aren’t a person who will benefit from them, it would be good …

Can a new tool help determine which cancer treatments might help you? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »