
CAR-T therapy, where someone’s own immune cells are trained to go after their cancer, has now been shown to confer a heightened infection risk, and risk of death from infection, for some recipients. Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center director William …

How does infection risk relative to CAR-T treatment factor into therapy? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


An engineered type of T cell known as a CAR-T can be very beneficial for people with some types of cancer, yet a major cause of death among those who receive them is infection, a recent study finds. Kimmel Cancer …

CAR-T therapy for cancer is associated with risk for infectious disease death, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Skin cancers run the gamut from relatively benign basal cell carcinoma to invasive melanoma. In between are squamous cell carcinomas, which are increasing in frequency and likely result in death more often than melanomas do, a new paper asserts, calling …

Squamous cell skin cancer needs more rigorous study, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Many women who had both breasts removed when cancer was found in one really didn’t experience any benefit from doing so, with similar rates of recurrence and death to women who chose more conservative treatment, a recent study finds. Johns …

Who should have both breasts removed when cancer is found in one? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


 Three groups of women, all with breast cancer in one breast, participated in a recent study looking at whether removing both breasts when cancer is found in one, so-called prophylactic bilateral mastectomy, was effective in reducing a woman’s risk. Kimmel …

What does a study on removing both breasts when cancer is found in one tell us? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Bilateral mastectomy as a means of preventing cancer in the other breast when it is found in one breast may not be of benefit when it comes to reccurence or survival, a new study shows. William Nelson, director of the …

Does removing both breasts when cancer is found in one help? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »