
 Today’s Covid vaccines are based on eliciting antibodies, proteins that circulate in the blood and bind to the virus. Johns Hopkins infectious disease expert Anna Durbin says trying to find the right antibody to cover all of the Covid variants …

Why don’t currently developed Covid vaccines cover all the variants? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Mid-pandemic, studies suggested that a single vaccine known as a pan vaccine would soon be developed that would cover all the variants of Covid-19. Clearly that hasn’t happened yet, and Anna Durbin, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins, says …

Will there be a vaccine against all the Covid variants anytime soon? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Covid has taken us on a wild ride, throwing out new variants with dizzying regularity. Now officials are recommending the new bivalent vaccines to shore up our immunity against currently circulating strains of Covid. Anna Durbin, an infectious disease expert …

When should you get the new bivalent Covid vaccine? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


You may have already had two Covid vaccines plus boosters, and now are not feeling much urgency to get a new bivalent vaccine. Anna Durbin, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins, says the genetics of today’s circulating strains are …

The new bivalent Covid vaccines should help with a fall/winter surge, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Climate change is helping diseases like malaria and dengue fever, usually associated with warmer climates, spread further around the globe. Such dynamics may render a new vaccine against malaria, even though it only prevents a minority of infections, very important. …

As malaria spreads along with expanding mosquito territory, a new vaccine may help, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Trying to understand vaccine hesitancy looms large as many infectious disease experts fear a fall surge of Covid. Anna Durbin, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins, says a look at what happened with the early Covid vaccines is informative. …

Why are so many people choosing not to get the most recent Covid booster? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Malaria is a scourge worldwide, spread by mosquitoes. And with climate change, the range of these mosquitoes is expanding, likely bringing malaria to a location near you. Good news then that a vaccine is finally available. Infectious disease expert Anna …

A newly approved vaccine may finally make a dent in malaria, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »