
People who’ve had Covid-19 are at increased risk to develop type 2 diabetes, several studies have shown. Is the virus behind an observed increase in type 2 diabetes among kids? Sheela Magge, a pediatric endocrinology expert at Johns Hopkins and …

Could Sars-CoV2 have something to do with an increase in diabetes among kids? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Rates of type 2 diabetes among those younger than 18 increased by 77% during the pandemic, research led by Sheela Magge, a pediatric endocrinology expert at Johns Hopkins, and colleagues has shown. Magge says reasons for the increase may be …

The pandemic brought a dramatic rise in type 2 diabetes in kids, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Children younger than five comprise the last group in whom a vaccine against Covid is currently being tested. Jonathan Zenilman, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins, says late spring may be when enough data will be in for an …

Vaccines against Covid for the very young are just around the corner, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »

In person school days are here, with many involving masking, physical distancing, and testing for Covid infection. Jennifer Katzenstein, a child psychologist at Johns Hopkins, says parents might consider a daily check in with their child as part of the …

How can parents help their kids as many transition to in person school? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Shutdown and transition to virtual school was tough on everyone, and now returning to school in person for many is also providing challenges. Jennifer Katzenstein, a child psychologist at Johns Hopkins, says this is all normal. Katzenstein: (Jennifer) There’s a …

Parents can expect a range of emotions related to returning to school from their children, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Covid-19 infection can be frightening for anyone, and now that kids are back in school many parents are more worried than ever. Aaron Milstone, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins, says if parents are worried about a child’s …

If you suspect your child might have Covid-19, when should you seek medical care? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Mask or no mask? While for adults that may be a decision, most school districts around the country have opted in for this strategy to reduce Covid-19 transmission among their students. Aaron Milstone, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Johns …

There’s no question that masking helps kids stay in school, where most experience much better learning than virtual environments, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »