
Now that most children are back in school, the majority of them in person, parents and kids need to continue their vigilance against becoming infected with COVID. Allison Agwu, a pediatric infectious diseases expert at Johns Hopkins, says that starts …

Masks are absolutely indicated in school, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Kids are back in school in person now in many parts of the United States and the world, yet both they and their parents are still worried about activities and contagion risk, especially in children younger than 12 years of …

As the pandemic grinds on, parents need to harness their creativity to help their kids cope, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Anchor lead: Allowing pharmacists to administer vaccines to kids will expand access, Elizabeth Tracey reports Pharmacists are now allowed to give vaccines to most children, the federal government has mandated. Aaron Milstone, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins, …

Pharmacists and Vaccines Read more »


Anchor lead: Children may have very high levels of Sars-CoV2, Elizabeth Tracey reports Some children have higher levels of Sars-CoV2 in their airways than even severely ill adults, a recent Pediatrics study found. Aaron Milstone, a pediatric infectious disease expert …

Kids and Viral Loads Read more »