Family and loved ones are needed to help someone with low vision manage, Elizabeth Tracey reports


Low vision is common, especially as we age. Judith Goldstein, a low vision expert at Johns Hopkins, says that in addition to seeking comprehensive care for the condition, loved ones really need to be involved also.

Goldstein: This is where we bring the family and the caregivers back into the fold. It’s very important that they are educated. You know when you have vision loss it’s not physically evident oftentimes. You’re not using a walker or a wheelchair or a cane. People don’t know that you have an eye problem. People don’t understand why their mom can see a piece of lint on the carpet but can’t recognize their face. And so it’s a lot about teaching the family about how to help them. Maybe you should walk on this side. Maybe you should give them verbal clues. Let me teach you how to use the technology so you can help your husband or your wife or your family member.  :32

Goldstein says most people with low vision can use a range of technologies and techniques to learn to live best with the condition, and the support and perspective of loved ones is key. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.