Good News for HIV


Anchor lead: HIV numbers nationally have some sweet spots, Elizabeth Tracey reports

We’re ahead of the game nationally when it comes to getting HIV infection under control, the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate. Joseph Cofrancesco, an HIV expert at Johns Hopkins, reviews the numbers.

Cofrancesco: HIV related deaths have decreased almost 50%, exceeding the expectations of what we hoped to obtain by 2017. If you look at gender, age, race, ethnicity, there were decreases and disparities were shrinking. The disparities between Latinx and whites basically was eliminated in terms of survival. We are getting to people earlier and treating them, you can then really expect that we are going to control this disease and have people have full and normal life expectancy.  :33

Cofrancesco notes that these numbers are the good news, but there are variations around the country in both deaths and disparities among different groups of people. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.