If you’re still worried about Covid the choices of others may be worrisome, Elizabeth Tracey reports


How did wearing a mask to prevent infection with a respiratory virus become so political? Infectious disease expert Stuart Ray at Johns Hopkins says he doesn’t know the answer to that, but thinks time will allow many of us to take a broader view of what we may still need to do to protect ourselves and others from Covid-19.

Ray: The current situation is that we have people who don’t yet have distance on it I think. People are still feeling very emotional about mask wearing, about other behaviors. So this is still a fraught time in dealing with this. Fortunately we have the tools now for people to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Preventing transmission is a way of caring for others. I do think that people generally want to do well for the most vulnerable if they’re reminded, but sometimes we need to be reminded, and that you can’t look at someone and tell if they’re vulnerable.  :31

Ray says people who are immunocompromised and those with certain chronic health conditions may not look unwell but remain at high risk for Covid infection. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.