July 19, 2019 – Expanded Window


Anchor lead: People may now consider the HPV vaccine up to the age of 45, Elizabeth Tracey reports

Certain human papilloma viruses, or HPV, cause cancer. Now a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention panel recommends the HPV vaccine for everyone through age 26 and for some adults up to age 45. Amber D’Souza, an epidemiologist and HPV expert at Johns Hopkins, explains.

D’Souza: People in their 30s or 40s very likely haven’t been exposed to all nine types of HPV that are in the HPV vaccine and so there’s still some benefit. That doesn’t mean that everyone needs to run out and get the HPV vaccine because the chances that it will protect you decrease as you’re older because you’re more likely to have already been exposed to more types and you’re not as likely honestly to have as many new partners so you’re not likely to have as much future risk but there are some older individuals who would benefit  and should get the HPV vaccine.   :32

So if you’re over 26, talk with your doctor about receiving the HPV vaccine. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.