October 27, 2016 – Chips and Medicine


Anchor lead:  How is the silicone chip industry joining forces with medicine? Elizabeth Tracey reports

The same kind of technology that’s used in your cell phone may someday soon provide a range of mobile medical testing, that will benefit not just the industrialized world but the developing world too.  That’s the hope of a joint venture underway between Johns Hopkins and global nanotechnology leader IMEC.  Landon King, executive vice dean for Johns Hopkins Medicine, comments.

King: Almost all of the world has a cell phone now. And so this device, communicating by way of a cell phone, out into the cloud, provides information in a different way, to inform their care.  It could be empowering to patients who are trying to monitor their own care at home. In the course of therapy where they would have particular tests that they would want to monitor or potential side effects they could monitor on their own without having to go to a facility.  We think that this will be empowering in a variety of circumstances.   :30

King says such technology would also bring patients into greater partnership in their own care.  At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.