Once you’ve developed dry eye the problem will likely continue, Elizabeth Tracey reports


Dry eye can develop for a number of reasons, whether it’s because oil glands at the base of your eyelashes aren’t making enough oil or you aren’t producing sufficient tears to keep your eyes lubricated. Lauren Gormley, an optometrist at Johns Hopkins, says there are both over the counter and prescription medicines to help.

Gormley: These treatments can be aimed at the eyelids to improve the oil layer of the tear film or they can be treatments to help the cornea if there is a lot of dryness on the cornea itself, but again, whatever you're doing for dry eye keeping in mind that dry eye is a chronic condition so there's no cure. So whatever the management strategy is for dry eye as the person who has dry eye you should expect to continue to need to manage it. You're not going to get it better and it's going to stay better, there's going to be a strategy that you need to keep things under control.    :33 

Gormley says don’t get frustrated if you don’t immediately get relief for dry eye as many treatment options exist. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.