PodMed – Week of December 14, 2015


Hormone deprivation therapy and dementia, happiness and health, a sickle cell drug, and too much HbA1c testing.

Program notes:

0:38 Happiness and mortality
1:32 17% unhappy
2:35 Advocate for Eyore-like behavior?
3:01 Too much HbA1c measurement
4:02 Why is too much testing ordered?
5:02 Patients can keep records
5:18 Androgen deprivation therapy and dementia
6:18 Men who received ADT were about twice as likely to develop dementia
7:30 Sickle cell anemia drug
8:30 Antiplatelet agent
9:29 Maybe older kids derived a benefit
10:20 End

Related blog: http://podblog.blogs.hopkinsmedicine.org/2015/12/11/happiness-and-death/