PodMed – Week of October 9, 2017


Cigarettes Tied With Rope And Wick Over Blue Background

This week’s topics include how the Zika virus changed, outcomes after surgery and health literacy, e-cigarettes and healthcare costs, and a reaction to tattooing.

Program notes:
0:36 Case report of an outcome after a tattoo
1:32 Reaction to the tattoo ink but not cancer
2:32 Not cancer just a reaction
2:46 Mutations in the Zika virus
3:44 More likely to have brain malformation
4:46 Lot of controversy over this study
5:00 Health literacy and outcomes after surgery
6:01 No correlation with readmission
7:02 Very few minority patients
7:15 E-cigarettes and cost savings
8:15 People still had exposure to nicotine
9:15 How to quantify e-cigarette safety
10:39 End
Related blog: https://podblog.blogs.hopkinsmedicine.org/2017/10/09/e-cigarette-benefits/