September 27, 2016 – Prostate Ca at Ten Years


Anchor lead: More data is emerging showing the benefits of watching low risk prostate cancer, Elizabeth Tracey reports

Ten years of following men with low risk prostate cancer has confirmed that active surveillance is safe for most, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows. William Nelson, director of the Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, agrees.

Nelson: in this study where they had men with intermediate risk prostate cancer there was an increased number of men who suffered with disease progression.  I think for low risk prostate cancer the chance for that is very low.   :09

Another study looked at side effects of treatment reported by men in the study, and Nelson says this is helpful in making treatment choices.

Nelson: I think there were no surprises in this study. I think the interesting thing is that men diagnosed with prostate cancer are going to do well. Men have choices in terms of how they are treated. Information about quality of life is important in making those choices.  :16

Nelson says the two studies should enable men to feel confident that if they are candidates for active surveillance the strategy is sound.  At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.