September 8, 2014 – Eds and Meds


Anchor lead: How do academic medical centers benefit those around them? Elizabeth Tracey reports

Moody’s, a bond credit rating business, recently touted academic medical centers in the northeast as helping to bolster bond ratings in various cities, Baltimore among them, in an effect they called ‘eds and meds.’  Landon King, Johns Hopkins executive vice dean of medicine, says the benefits are a good deal more personal.

King: We do a lot of research. We frequently ask questions in partnership with the community, oriented towards problems the community faces.  Asthma. An enormous urban problem.  Investigators in the school of medicine and the school of public health are trying to understand what the factors are that either cause or that increase the severity of asthma.  Similarly for hypertension, for a variety of other conditions, we have an opportunity to partner with people in the community and try to come up with ways not just to better understand it but ideally to address it.   :33

King says effectively tackling these issues is also exportable nationally and internationally.  At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.