Sitting it Out


Anchor lead: Some people with conditions that need urgent medical care may not be seeking it, Elizabeth Tracey reports

Heart attacks and strokes seem to have declined during the COVID-19 pandemic, a look at emergency department data suggest. Yet a deeper look seems to suggest that people are simply choosing not to come to the ED, even when they have symptoms, out of fear of infection. David Kass, a cardiologist at Johns Hopkins, says you should seek care.

Kass: Providers have definitely established a remote telemedicine platform. You shouldn’t be sitting at home with symptoms that are concerning you, those mechanisms have to be used. If we use them appropriately, and they are widely available, through every network I’m aware of, then the probability of something really bad happening that should be avoided, despite the fear of catching something, won’t happen. Use that tool, talk to your doctor, don’t quietly have your chest pain because you’re afraid of catching COVID-19.  :32

At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.