An old favorite for reducing signs of skin aging also has another application, Elizabeth Tracey reports


Most of us have heard of Botox and its cousins, which paralyze muscles. When used on muscles in the face this can reduce wrinkling. Johns Hopkins dermatologist Noori Kim says these treatments belong to a class called ‘neuromodulators’ and can also be used in other areas of the face.

Kim: Photoaging is the most common type of skin aging. Really it’s the accelerated skin aging from just accumulated damage from chronic sun exposure. Treatment of skin aging, to start off, neuromodulators. This is a neurotoxin that temporarily paralyzes muscles. They’re very effective in softening lines that you especially see with movement and expression. More and more we’re seeing the use of neuromodulators to help with contouring of the face. As we can see muscle atrophy over time in certain areas such as along the jawline and the lower cheek.  :32

Kim says a consult with an experienced dermatologist will help determine if you are a candidate for use of neuromodulators, which typically require retreatment in a few months.  At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.