
Millions of Americans have dry eye, a troubling and sometimes serious condition affecting the parts of the eye that are in contact with our external environment. Lauren Gormley, a optometrist at Johns Hopkins, describes some of the known risk factors. …

What are some of the risk factors for dry eye? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


You’ve probably experienced the sensation that your eyes are dry. They may also be scratchy or sore. Lauren Gormley, an optometrist at Johns Hopkins, says for millions of Americans these sensations and more serious ones are a daily ordeal and …

Dry eye syndrome affects millions of Americans, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Cutting short the number of hours during the day when you consume food seems like it should result in weight loss, but that didn’t pan out in a recent study by Nisa Maruthur and colleagues at Johns Hopkins, where so …

What’s the difference between time restricted eating and intermittent fasting? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Simply restricting eating to fewer hours during the day won’t result in weight loss for many, a Johns Hopkins study by Nisa Maruthur, an internal medicine expert, and colleagues has shown. Maruthur says when she’s counseling people on weight loss …

Key to weight loss is a global look at someone’s health, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Fiber comprising a lot of an overall healthy diet may have resulted in weight loss for two groups of people in a recent study- those who ate only during a shortened period while they were awake, so-called time restricted eating …

Increasing fiber may be key to weight loss in a study of time restricted eating, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Is there any benefit at all to time restricted eating, or TRE, for losing weight when compared to a usual eating pattern? That’s the question addressed in a recent Johns Hopkins study headed by Nisa Maruthur, a primary care expert, …

How does time restricted eating compare to a healthy diet? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »