
Pain in the shoulder will be experienced by almost every adult at some point, especially as they age. Shoulder pain factors right up there with back and neck pain in terms of how common it is. Edward McFarland, head of …

If you’re experiencing pain in your shoulder your tendons may be the culprit, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


There’s no question that exercise is a beneficial habit we should all practice, yet for the majority of us it’s hard to fit in to a busy life. Edward McFarland, head of shoulder surgery at Johns Hopkins, says whether you’re …

If you’re just taking up exercise there are a few things you should watch out for, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


You’re probably familiar with the scenario: an older person falls, breaks a hip, requires surgery and rehab, then dies a short while later. Avoiding this trajectory is helped by engaging in certain types of exercise, according to Kerry Stewart, an …

Avoiding falls and fractures as you age can be bolstered with exercise, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Osteoporosis, where minerals leach out of bone and bones become liable to fracture more easily, is common as people age, and is seen in both men and women. Frequently it is preceded by a condition called osteopenia, and exercise and …

Are you at risk for osteoporosis? Specific types of exercise can help, Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Even if you’re very physically active, utilizing weights as part of your fitness routine will provide additional health benefits, the latest research shows. Exercise and cardiovascular health expert Kerry Stewart at Johns Hopkins says steps to utilize weight are straightforward. …

What’s the best way to integrate weights into your exercise routine? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


HIIT, or high intensity interval training, purports to pack an intense and beneficial exercise regimen into a much shorter time, perfect for those of us who can’t carve out 30 minutes to exercise daily. Kerry Stewart, an exercise and cardiovascular …

Should you try high intensity interval training? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »