If you’re of Hispanic ethnicity, what are your chances to die of cancer? Elizabeth Tracey reports


Disparities exist in health outcomes in varying populations in the United States. A recent study examines cancer deaths among Hispanic populations, and Kimmel Cancer Center director William Nelson at Johns Hopkins says the data help identify areas where greater vigilance is needed. 

Nelson: The total number of folks who were Hispanics who died in the study overall was a little bit more than 690,000. That ends up being 5.5% of all cancer deaths during the observation period. Over that time the rates of liver cancer mortality went up a bit in men and liver, pancreas and uterine cancer is went up in women. In addition cancer deaths among those aged 25 to 34, this is a group there's been a lot of attention on not just among Spanish speaking folks but broadly that has also gone up a little bit.  :34

Nelson notes that improving awareness and screening among Hispanic people may help bring them to medical attention sooner and improve outcomes. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.