PodMed – Week of July 17, 2017


UnknownThis week’s topics include diet quality and longevity, health and coffee, treating depression, and prostatectomy in early prostate cancer.

Program notes:

0:33 Coffee drinking and longevity
1:33 Over 185,000 people followed in one study
2:32 Can’t advocate for a type of coffee
3:01 Prostatectomy or not in early prostate cancer
4:01 Higher incidence of side effects
5:01 What kinds of means are used to monitor?
5:40 Treatment of refractory depression
6:40 Added atypical antipsychotic
7:40 Adding another agent that works differently
8:32 Quality diets and longevity
9:32 Substitute healthier foods
10:55 End

Related blog: https://podblog.blogs.hopkinsmedicine.org/2017/07/14/more-joy-for-coffee-drinkers/