PodMed – Week of September 15, 2014


This week’s topics include new hip and knee prostheses, cannabis use in adolescents, questionable use of medicines in people with dementia, and aspirin to prevent preeclampsia.

Program notes:

0:35 Cannabis use in teenagers
1:35 Frequency of use before age 17 and outcomes
2:35 Do metabolites compromise neurons?
3:36 Need to have efforts to reform legislation
3:58 Continuing medications in advanced dementia
4:58 Over half received medications of questionable benefit
5:58 Opportunity to decrease adverse events
6:22 Aspirin for preeclampsia
7:23 Risk reduction by about 10-20%
8:01 New hip and knee prostheses
9:01 Over 15,000 implants
10:05 Approval of devices needs registry
10:51 End

Related blog:http://podblog.blogs.hopkinsmedicine.org/2014/09/12/marijuana-and-the-teenage-brain/