The experience of people who’ve had one heart attack and want to avoid another informs a new app, Elizabeth Tracey reports


Corrie is the name of an app designed to help integrate the many things people need to do to minimize their risk of a second heart attack. Seth Martin, a cardiologist at Johns Hopkins and one of the app’s designers, says the team started with asking patients about their experience.

Martin: What’s come up again and again is I’m feeling alone, I don’t understand what the medical team is saying, I don’t feel confident that I know what I need to do when I leave the hospital. So Corrie was built directly to address those needs. Corrie’s built on Apple’s research kit, care kit, and health kit. The spirit here is to empower patients to take a more active role in their health care. Ultimately when it comes to patient education a lot of the times it’s confusing to the patients.  :28

Corrie has been tested in several sites and is poised to roll out more widely, Martin says. Reviews from patients have been very positive, he says. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.