There’s no question that masking helps kids stay in school, where most experience much better learning than virtual environments, Elizabeth Tracey reports


Mask or no mask? While for adults that may be a decision, most school districts around the country have opted in for this strategy to reduce Covid-19 transmission among their students. Aaron Milstone, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins, comments.

Milstone: We’ve learned over time that masks really do help kids to stay in school. Not only are they going to prevent the spread of COVID virus this year, where we learned last year is they help prevent the spread of other respiratory viruses, like influenza, the common cold, even the illnesses that give kids vomiting and diarrhea in the winter. All those other viruses are equally disruptive for families so not only will masks help curb COVID spread but hopefully they’ll keep kids healthy this winter, and in school.  :26

Milstone points to soaring rates of infectious diseases like respiratory syncytial virus or RSV, around the country as masks and distancing have been relaxed or abandoned as evidence that these physical barriers have real benefits. He notes that parents may consider setting a good example by wearing mask also. At Johns Hopkins, I’m Elizabeth Tracey.