
If you’re an older adult, is it worth the time and effort to modify your diet to a more plant based approach? Very much yes, says Johns Hopkins dietician Jaclyn Rose. Rose: I think it is beneficial to incorporate more …

Is it ever too late to begin adding more plant foods to your diet? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Foods labeled organic are generally more expensive than conventional foods, with meats topping the list. Jaqueline Rose, a dietician at Johns Hopkins, says when buying fruits and vegetables, there are some considerations. Rose: Organic, if its accessible, may reduce some …

Do you need to go fully organic in the foods you consume? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


If you’re trying to maximize the benefits of a plant based diet, should you also choose organic foods? Dietician Jaqueline Rose at Johns Hopkins says that ‘organic’ means something very specific. Rose: Organic is a pretty regulated term. We can’t …

Do you need to go organic to improve your diet? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Do you need to eliminate all meats and animal products from your diet in order to improve your health? Johns Hopkins dietician Jaqueline Rose says while many people may choose to simplify matters by switching to a vegetarian or vegan …

What is it in many meat products that make them less healthy food choices? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Can consuming the majority of your calories from plant-based sources make you healthier? Jaqueline Rose, a dietician at Johns Hopkins, says the benefits of a diet based largely in plant material are multiple. Rose: There is a significant amount of …

What are the health benefits of a plant based diet? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Are you considering a transition to a more plant based diet as part of your strategies for 2023? Jaqueline Rose, a dietician at Johns Hopkins, says it’s a worthy goal, and one that’s founded in history. Rose: The term ‘plant …

What does a plant-based diet include? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »


Some types of cancer seem to be increasing in incidence among adults younger than age fifty, with a new large analysis seeming to associate this risk with a host of factors. Kimmel Cancer Center director William Nelson at Johns Hopkins …

What accounts for increased cancer risk among adults younger than fifty? Elizabeth Tracey reports Read more »